We're Hiring for the 2024 Season
Do you like to work outside? Do you want flexible hours? Do you like physical exercise and working with your hands?
We are looking for a few part-time(20-25 hours/wk) people to help us on the farm this summer. We are offering $16/hour. No previous experience needed. We will provide training.
The position would begin in April/May and end in September/October. I am willing to work with students and school schedules.
Job Requirements:
1. Be able to tolerate being outside in the heat of the summer.
2. Have your own transportation. (We are located in Goshen, OH)
3. Be able to lift up to 35 lbs.
4. Be able to kneel, sit on the ground or bend over for extended periods
5. Be responsible and show up on time.
6. Follow food safety rules
7. You do not have to wear a uniform but you do need closed toe shoes and boots for when it's wet.
8. Long hair must be pulled up or in a hat and no long finger nails they trap dirt and do not comply with food safety.
Job Description:
1. Harvest vegetables and fruit
2. Wash and pack products for orders and market
3. Manage weeds in the growing areas
4. Wash and sanitize produce containers
5. Plant vegetables and flowers in the ground
To Apply:
Email Lisa(lisacannon@crazyacresmarketfarm.com) a letter stating you are interested in the position, what days and times you are available to work and if you have any prior experience working with plants. Be sure to include your age, an email address as well as a phone number where you can be reached. We will get in touch with you for an interview.